William The Coroner’s Forensic Files

Saturday, 30, October, 2010

Well, That Was Weird.

Filed under: WTF? — williamthecoroner @ 15:37

Knock, Knock, Knock.

Scruffy guy at the door: “Are you William the Coroner?”

Me: “Yes, what can I do for you?”

SGATD: “I’m here for the Malibu.”

Me: “What Malibu?”

SGATE: “The one you haven’t made payments on.”

Looks and sees the tow truck in the driveway.

Me: “I don’t OWN a Malibu.”

SGATD: “The one Roberta J bought for you?”

Me: “Who?”

SGATD: “I think she gave the bank the wrong address.”

Me: “I think so. You’re welcome to all the Malibus you can find. I like Fords.”

Shuts door


I checked. My car is still in the drive. And no, it’s not a Malibu.

Fungus in Lakeview

Filed under: Natural History — williamthecoroner @ 04:12

Friday, 29, October, 2010

Sappy Cat Blogging

Filed under: Cat Blogging — williamthecoroner @ 08:41

Furniture for those of us who are owned by our cats. The Cat Bookcase.

On Government and Skepticism

Filed under: Links to Greatness,Social Commentary — williamthecoroner @ 08:24

from POPEHAT. The key graf:

Giving the government the power to do things we like tends to give the government the power to do things we don’t like. In a perfect world, conservatives would see that reposing uncritical trust in prosecutors and cops ultimately promotes the government’s power to regulate their businesses and their health care. Liberals would see that trusting regulators and bureaucrats increases the government’s power to jail citizens upon flimsy evidence. Maybe one day more people will meet in the middle and recognize that the appropriate stance of an informed citizen towards all elements of the government is vigilance, skepticism, and firm support of individual rights against the state. Perhaps more people will agree that the correct response to any government attempt to control the individual is to question: “What evidence do you have to support this? Is it really believable? Can it be trusted? Is it enough


Thursday, 28, October, 2010

Captain Wedderburn’s Courtship

Filed under: Poetry — williamthecoroner @ 14:51


A nobleman’s fair daughter
Went down a narrow lane,
And met with Captain Wedderburn,
The keeper of the game;
Now, my pretty fair miss,
If it wasn’t for the law,
You and I in a bed might lie,
Roll me over next to the wall.
Roll me over next to the wall.

Now, my dear good man,
Do not be perplexed,
Before that you might bed with me,
You must answer questions six;
Six questions you will answer me,
And I will ask them all,
And you and I in a bed might lie,
Roll me over next to the wall.
Roll me over next to the wall.

Now, what is rounder than a ring,
And higher than the trees?
And what is worse than a woman’s curse,
And what is deeper than the sea?
And which bird sings first, which one best,
Where does the dew first fall?
And you and I in a bed might lie,
Roll me over next to the wall.
Roll me over next to the wall.

Earth is rounder than a ring,
And heaven is higher than the trees,
The devil is worse than a woman’s curse,
And hell is deeper than the sea.
The lark sings first and the thrush sings best,
And the earth is where the dew falls;
And you and I in a bed must lie,
Roll me over next to the wall.
Roll me over next to the wall.

He takes her by her lily-white hand,
And leads her down the hall,
He takes her by her slender waist,
For fear that she might fall;
He lays her on a bed of down,
Without a doubt at all,
And he and she lie in a bed,
Roll me over next to the wall.
He and she lie in a bed,
Roll me over next to the wall.
Roll me over next to the wall.
Roll me over next to the wall.

Wednesday, 27, October, 2010

Aw, Crap

Filed under: Forensics,Teaching — williamthecoroner @ 14:36

So, today, I took my class to the FBI lab to get a tour of the building and meet with the evidence response team. Unfortunately, the evidence response team was out in the field, responding to some evidence. I thought at least it was a beautiful day, much better than yesterday, let’s go meet them and see them at work. Yeah. Wasn’t going to happen.

And then, for the first time as a member I had dinner at my club. The speaker that evening was going to talk about the 2012 Mayan calendar nonsense. I thought that it would be like my old club, where you sign the bill with your membership number and then pay the bill. No–you buy dinner tickets in advance. No one told me this, which was quite embarrassing. It was even more embarrassing when I didn’t have any money on me. It worked out, but what a way to end the day.

At least the talk was interesting. There is a pan-Mayan movement, now, which has gotten together and is learning from the archaeologists. People are learning to read and write Mayan hieroglyphics again, and there’s actual Mayan pride and they are working to get a better deal in Mexico.

Tuesday, 26, October, 2010

Dental School

Filed under: Teaching — williamthecoroner @ 10:08

Breathe easy, it was disorders of respiration.

Diseases of the Lung and Respiratory Tract Part 1Diseases of the Lung and Respiratory Tract Part 2

I also ran into several old students from the 2008 NURS 453 class, and it was good to see them again. They are on the home stretch of their program. They seem so much more relaxed and confident now, which was a pleasure to see.

Monday, 25, October, 2010

Graduate School #19

Filed under: Forensics,Teaching — williamthecoroner @ 13:25

Asphyxia. The students were anticipating this one with…bated breath.

19 asphyxia

This was fun as an instructor. I got to strangle, smother, choke, hang, and generally beat up on students. W@@T!

Friday, 22, October, 2010

Graduate School #18

Filed under: Forensics,Teaching — williamthecoroner @ 13:21

Burns and Explosions
18 burns explosions

Sappy Cat Blogging

Filed under: Cat Blogging — williamthecoroner @ 13:07

And Cats get short shrift in NYC.

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